It’s that time of year! Time to order your Christmas family pjs, ugly Christmas sweater, or dinner party dress. RoseGal has its share of some seriously nice-looking products. It also is a great source for that ugly Christmas sweater. We are pretty sure this may take the office award for the coveted ugly sweater prize. You can even do the office “twinsie” Christmas sweater.
OK. Have you planned your family photo in matching Christmas pjs? You know you need it for your Facebook and Instagram profile photo. Maybe the better question would be do you have your bathroom decorated for Christmas. Every house needs a Santa potty cover. Perhaps that would be a better Facebook profile photo…watch the “likes” come in.
Just look around. Some of the dresses will bring a smile to your face; the Christmas hoodies may rock the office party too.
After all, ’tis the season to be jolly.